domenica 29 maggio 2011

Recordings of the school children - part 3

Elfatie made many excellent recordings at her home. In these examples we hear sounds from her garden and the sound of bouncing a basketball.


martedì 24 maggio 2011

Recordings of the school children - part 2

Some of the Cembra´s Scuola Media pupils had an opportunity to take handy recorders at home to record  sounds in a different environment than the schoolyard.
An active gang of three, Ilaria, Anna and Roberto, made many great recordings in which they describe the sounds of their everyday lives.

In these two examples we hear chickens clucking and the sound of a fountain.


lunedì 23 maggio 2011

Questions for Dollar

One purpose of this blog is to be an open communication channel for all villagers in Cembra and Dollar. We want to encourage young people and children in these two villages to send recordings, pictures and texts to each other through this blog.

While returning from the soundwalks on 14th May the pupils of Cembra´s Scuola Media recorded some questions for Dollar and now they are eagerly waiting for answers and questions in return.

The questions are:

Why the village is called Dollar?” (guesses were that perhaps there is so much money..?)

“Is Dollar near mountains?”

“What are the typical sounds of Dollar?”


domenica 22 maggio 2011

Sound preferences

An entire week has already passed since we left Cembra and finally I have time to update what happened during our stay.

The pupils of Cembra´s Scuola Media took part in the sound preference test as well as pupils of Strathdevon Primary School in Dollar. They filled out forms about the sounds they like and dislike and some of them had a chance to interview their own parents. The other questions were:
What are the most typical sounds that you would like to tell to someone who does not live or has not visited Cembra?
Sounds that you would like to change in Cembra?

On Thursday 12th and Saturday 14th May the pupils of Scuola Media made listening walks and recorded some interesting sounds around the school yard, for example a tractor passing by, the rural soundscape of Cembra and the church bells ringing.

More examples will be in the following updates!


sabato 14 maggio 2011

Second morning alarm clock sound

How good to  sleep in a good bed in a nice old house. On the second morning we had prepared ourselves to wake up early at 7 a.m. with the San Pietro church bells – ready to record them and the singing dog.  As Viika wrote this sensitive animal was not at home this morning. What a pity!

Already a good while before 7 o’clock a mechanical, repetitive sound steels my sleepy attention. A telephone or an alarm clock? Neither yet. I’m too tired to check all the machines of the house that might cause this demanding sound. Only when standing up I can listen to this intruder from another angle and hear another higher tone of this repetitive rhythm. It forms an  interval - minor third. A cuckoo singing good morning!

The morning stress caused by the misinterpretation disappears and drops me back to dreaming and remembering our listening walk to the wine fields the previous day. The steep mountain slopes were an acoustic reign of the clear sounding blackbirds and cuckoos. This is often remembered also by many residents of Cembra. One reason they -  like me - miss this restful haven?



Getting  a sounding lift back from our listening walk in the wine fields in the bed of a tractor.

mercoledì 11 maggio 2011

A dog singing with the church bells

Yesterday morning we woke up to a very strange sound. The dog living in our neighbourhood started to sing with the 7am church bells. There seemed to be a clear melody and rhythm in the dogs howl.
Later we were told that actually quite many dogs in Cembra like to participate in the church bell concerts during the day.

Today we tried to record this amusing morning ceremony but unfortunately the dog stayed silent. Perhaps it had gone out for a morning walk or just didn´t feel like singing today.

If we get lucky tomorrow morning we will add the sound here in the blog.

Viika Sankila

This is the sound that woke us up today:

Welcome back to Cembra in 2011

The previous texts above are recorded in Cembra during the years 1999-2004. The sound recordings are also published on a CD of our research report Acoustic Environments in Change. You can find the book at least in Cembra library and the museum of San Michele.

In May 2011 we have arrived to listen to Cembra again. This is the first visit for Viika and seventh time for Noora to this village. From this day on you can read our impressions from Cembra as well as the notions of the pupils in medium school of Cembra.
Later everybody living or visiting Cembra is free to send stories, photos or recordings to this blog.

Please use this address:

Greetings from sunny, softly echoing and lively Cembra! 

Noora & Viika 


Looking for ways to describe temperature, sound, scenery and atmosphere in Piazza San Rocco.

                                                                                                            Pictures by Noora Vikman