sabato 14 maggio 2011

Second morning alarm clock sound

How good to  sleep in a good bed in a nice old house. On the second morning we had prepared ourselves to wake up early at 7 a.m. with the San Pietro church bells – ready to record them and the singing dog.  As Viika wrote this sensitive animal was not at home this morning. What a pity!

Already a good while before 7 o’clock a mechanical, repetitive sound steels my sleepy attention. A telephone or an alarm clock? Neither yet. I’m too tired to check all the machines of the house that might cause this demanding sound. Only when standing up I can listen to this intruder from another angle and hear another higher tone of this repetitive rhythm. It forms an  interval - minor third. A cuckoo singing good morning!

The morning stress caused by the misinterpretation disappears and drops me back to dreaming and remembering our listening walk to the wine fields the previous day. The steep mountain slopes were an acoustic reign of the clear sounding blackbirds and cuckoos. This is often remembered also by many residents of Cembra. One reason they -  like me - miss this restful haven?



Getting  a sounding lift back from our listening walk in the wine fields in the bed of a tractor.

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