mercoledì 11 maggio 2011

Welcome back to Cembra in 2011

The previous texts above are recorded in Cembra during the years 1999-2004. The sound recordings are also published on a CD of our research report Acoustic Environments in Change. You can find the book at least in Cembra library and the museum of San Michele.

In May 2011 we have arrived to listen to Cembra again. This is the first visit for Viika and seventh time for Noora to this village. From this day on you can read our impressions from Cembra as well as the notions of the pupils in medium school of Cembra.
Later everybody living or visiting Cembra is free to send stories, photos or recordings to this blog.

Please use this address:

Greetings from sunny, softly echoing and lively Cembra! 

Noora & Viika 


Looking for ways to describe temperature, sound, scenery and atmosphere in Piazza San Rocco.

                                                                                                            Pictures by Noora Vikman

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